Scientists from Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University and V. Ye. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the NAS of Ukraine are working on creating new multifunctional materials. Their project “Structural transformations and nonequilibrium electronic processes in broadband oxides and their solid solutions” won the call «Support for Research of Leading and Young Scientists» and received funding from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine in the amount of almost 12 million UAH.

Scientists are developing express (fast) and non-destructive methods of research and management of their characteristics.The project is implemented by a team of seven high-class researchers, they are: Larysa Khomenkova, Lyudmila Melnychuk, Yulia Polishchuk, Kostantyn Kozoriz, Tetiana Zagorodnia, Semen Ponomaryov and the supervisor Oleksandr Melnychuk. The team decided to use their approaches for creating materials that can emit light from ultraviolet to red and for detecting this radiation. Moreover, scientists are exploring processes in powders, layers and ceramics of wide-range metal oxides and their solid solutions after the addition of special impurities and various treatments.
It would be impossible to create and research new materials without the newest equipment. – 25 percent of the total project funding allowed for the purchase of high-value equipment – said Oleksandr – Unfortunately, devices of this type are costs a lot and not made in Ukraine, so we have to buy it abroad. In 2020-2021, we purchased technological and analytical equipment, including a high-resolution spectrophotometer, set-top boxes and a high-temperature chamber furnace. This allows us to get the most accurate results.
The project should be completed in 2022 but there are very interesting results already. Scientists have proposed a method of manufacturing powders and ceramics based on metal oxides and their solid solutions, in particular, doped with various impurities. They are optimizing the proposed technology of sample production and are working to improve methods for monitoring their structural and optical characteristics, as well as control of the spatial distribution of impurities and surface complexes.
Oleksandr advises colleagues who are just planning to submit projects to the call to make the most of efforts to discuss and write the project. – Set realistic goals, be responsible for every word – he said. – And the most important – believe in yourself and be ready to work hard!