To the numerous titles of the famous Ukrainian scientist, Director of the Main Astronomical Observatory (MAO) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the NAS, as well as member of the Editorial Board and author of papers in the Svit newspaper Yaroslav S. Yatskiv added another one: Doctor Honoris Causa at NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.
During the solemn ceremony at the KPI, Yaroslav Yatskiv was given a Diploma, a mantle and a commemorative token. According to the resolution of the Academic Council, the honorary title was awarded given long-term cooperation, significant merits to the community of Kyiv Polytechnic in the development of University scientific and engineering studies, training of scientific staff, highly qualified specialists.

The ceremony was attended by members of the KPI Academic Council, representatives of the Supervisory Board and the University Alumni Association, Scientific Secretary of the Space Research Council of the NAS Iryna Vavilova, Deputy Director of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS Serhiy Kravchuk, Yaroslav Yatskiv’s nephew Igor Yatskiv, research scholar at the MAO.
Rector of NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Academician of the NAS Michael Zgurovsky briefly reminded of the milestones in Yaroslav Yatskiv’s life. The future Academician began his career in 1960 as an astronomer-observer at the Poltava Gravimetric Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR.
Yaroslav Yatskiv’s further scientific career was connected with space geodynamics. He analyzed nonpolar changes in the Earth’s latitude in his Ph.D. thesis, and studied new effects related to orientation of the Earth’s axis of rotation in his doctoral thesis.
Since 1965, Yaroslav Yatskiv works at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and since 1975 he heads it. He participated in the preparation and implementation of space programs, organization of space research at the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR. He is a winner of the UkrSSR and the USSR State Prizes in the field of science and technology, the René Descartes Prize of the European Union.

Since 1991, Academician Yatskiv has initiated the foundation of the Ukrainian Astronomical Association, he is its permanent PresidentIn 1992 he initiated the foundation of the National Space Agency of Ukraine. As a member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, Yaroslav Yatskiv coordinates scientific space research in Ukraine; he is a Chairman of the Scientific and Publishing Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Director-Organizer of the Institute of Encyclopedic Research of the Academy. In 2000-2001, Yaroslav Yatskiv was the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, responsible for research.
His public activity is multifaceted. He is a member of the National Commission of Ukraine for UNESCO, the Ukrainian International Committee for Science and Culture at the National Academy of Sciences, a foreign member of several academies; he works in many other scientific organizations.
– Awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from KPI to the world-famous scientist in the field of space geodynamics, great patriot of Ukraine, outstanding organizer of science, is recognition of outstanding scientific and state-building activity of Yaroslav Yatskiv, profound respect for him of thousands of Kyiv Polytechnic staff, – summed up Michael Zgurovsky.
Yaroslav Yatskiv noted that receiving the honorary title is a great honor for him, because it is difficult to imagine today’s Ukraine without the Igor Sikorsky KPI. In his speech, he also spoke about space science and technology, in particular, praised the University’s space program, which allows students and young scientists to learn about the Universe, which still has many mysteries.
Photo by the author
Svit newspaper, №1-2, January 2022