Space mission of Kyiv Polytechnics and their partners.
NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” is preparing to launch two research nanosatellites into space.
The PolyITAN-HP-30 nanosatellite is fully ready to go on a space route. The launch is planned for December of this year from Cape Canaveral (USA), it will be launched into orbit by the SpaceX Falcon-9 rocket.

In space orbit, a scientific experiment will be conducted on the satellite in order to study the effectiveness of heat pipes (HP – Heat Pipes) as the main element of the thermal stabilization systems of space vehicles.
The nanosatellite of the Kyiv Polytechnic has been transported to the Netherlands, to Delft University. There it will be placed in a special space container and sent to Cape Canaveral at the appropriate time.

Next, the PolyITAN-3-PUT research nanosatellite of Kyiv and Poznań Polytechnics joint production is being prepared for a space odyssey.
The nanosatellite is intended for remote sensing of the Earth in the optical range and data transmission to ground stations of two universities (spatial resolution up to 8 m). Besides, there are other tasks. The satellite will study the impact of stratospheric aerosol on the Earth’s ozone layer (this is important for studying climate problems and the possibilities of influencing their mitigation), and conduct special research commissioned by the Polish Space Agency.
Its launch is planned for the first half of next year.