
Only 1.1% of Ukrainians are fluent in English

Only 1.1% of Ukrainians are fluent in English, and 43.8% of respondents do not know the language at all.
Director of the Razumkov Center sociological service Andriy Bychenko said this at a press conference in Kyiv, an Ukrinform reports.

“We conducted a survey on how citizens would assess their own level of English proficiency. We see that almost 44% of respondents … said they did not know English at all,” Bychenko said.

At the same time, 26.9% of respondents said they could understand some words and simple phrases, but could not read, write or speak English at all.

19.2% of citizens said they can read, write or speak a little bit of English, but not well.

Among those surveyed, 7.5% of Ukrainians can read, write, and speak English, but are not fluent.

However, only 1.1% of respondents are fluent in English.
The survey was conducted by the Razumkov Center’s sociological service from July 5 to 11 as part of the MATRA Program project funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine.

A total of 2017 respondents aged 18 and older were interviewed. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%.