
DECLARATION of the International Forum “Ecology and Peace”

Whereas it is essential for the existence of humanity to have the environment that is sustaining food and water security, preserving traditions and culture, and providing for human rights,
Whereas the tragic consequence of the unjustified Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has resulted in thousands of hectares of burned forests, rivers, lakes and soils polluted and poisoned with heavy metals, thousands of animals killed and damaged ecosystems, mined and occupied territories of the nature reserve fund,
Whereas the Russian Federation is committing the continuous blackmail, threatening the world with a nuclear disaster,
Whereas it is essential to support the efforts of the international community, aimed at minimizing the negative environmental impact of the Russian invasion, particularly from the mining by the aggressor of more than 170,000 square kilometers of the territories of Ukraine,
Now, therefore, in consideration of official data from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine on widespread, long-term damage to the natural environment, participants in the International Forum “Ecology and Peace” held in Kyiv on May 15-16, 2024, hereby state as follows:

  1. According to Article 8 (2. b. iv) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, environmental damage caused by Russia’s aggression is a war crime.
  2. The environmental damage perpetrated by Russia’s aggression, which caused physical and psychological suffering to the population of war-torn territories and forced millions of Ukrainians to flee their homes, is a crime against humanity.
  3. Significant losses, damages and destruction of ecosystems in certain territories of Ukraine and in the Black Sea water area, which are the result of Russia’s aggression, constitute the crime of military ecocide.
    In this regard, the participants in the International Forum “Ecology and Peace”
    call on the world community, international peacekeeping organizations, environmental and human rights agencies, and civil society of the world countries to:
  4. Support the Ukrainian Peace Formula proposed by the President of Ukraine:
    – in its points entitled “Prevention of Ecocide”, “Radiation and Nuclear Safety”, “Food Safety” and to condemn Russian threats to use nuclear weapons as a serious crime against peace, which can lead to the destruction of Earth’s civilization
    – in its point entitled “Restoration of Justice” – with the aim of bringing to criminal responsibility those Russian servicemen who, having caused environmental damage, committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ecocide in Ukraine.
  5. Recognize Russia as a nuclear terrorist state, restrict Russian Federation’s access to the latest nuclear technologies and impose sanctions on the Russian nuclear industry.
  6. Force the authorities of the Russian Federation to immediately end the war against Ukraine and compensate for environmental damage caused by its aggression.
  7. In the context of the point of the Ukrainian Peace Formula entitled “Prevention of Ecocide”, to make a proposal to establish the UN Environmental Security Council and the International Environmental Security Fund.
  8. Address the Global Peace Summit with a proposal to launch a real movement to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter and the norms of international law.
    Forum’s participants appeal to the UN (ECOSOC), UNESCO, the IAEA, the institutions of the European Union, other international organizations, the Governments of the countries of the world, non-governmental international organizations, representatives of civil society, and volunteers with an appeal:
    to consider, as one of the priorities of their activities, the efforts to eliminate the damage caused to the environment of Ukraine as a result of Russia’s aggression, particularly the mobilization of financial, human resources, scientific, technical and expert potential for the implementation of measures for humanitarian demining of Ukrainian lands and the resumption of management of these territories.