On 6 March 2025, the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine, performed webinar “Specifics of EU’s Programme Erasmus+ Projects Implementation During Martial Law in Ukraine”. The event provided a unique platform for Erasmus+ project coordinators, partners, and beneficiaries to discuss challenges and possible solutions on specifics for implementation of the projects during Martial Law in Ukraine.
The webinar gathered about 230 participants representing education institutions, youth and sport organisations, and project consortia from across Ukraine and Europe implementing the projects in education, training, youth and sport. European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency, National Erasmus+ Agencies, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine joined the event.
Crucial aspects of safety, key reforms and priorities for the expected impact in education, youth and sport sectors as well as project management specifics during Martial Law in Ukraine were discussed.
Mychailo WYNNYCKYJ, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, HERE team member, provided insights into education reforms in Ukraine, challenges, safety, HEIs merger, projects impact focus of the projects. He also invited International partners to Ukraine for meetings and joint activities underlining the importance of strong cooperation.
Victoria RIASNA, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine, addressed the challenges and priorities of reforms for youth and sport projects in Ukraine and relevance of the projects in youth and sport.
Serhii SHKABKO, Head of expert group for European integration Directorate for European and Euro-Atlantic integration, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, delivered a detailed presentation on specifics on communication and priorities for cooperation, official registration of projects in Ukraine and contacts for collaboration during the projects lifetime. He underlined that Erasmus+ is the only Programme with the systemic impact on reforms.
Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine, highlighted that Erasmus+ is an important instrument for recover and Eurointegration of Ukraine and provided statistics on the EU support during martial law. She covered specifics on legislation, mobility, communication, bank transfers, payments, equipment purchase, dissemination and communication tools for projects implementation during martial law.
The event featured interactive Q&A sessions, where participants raised pressing issues and received direct responses from speakers.
The discussions also helped to shape guiding recommendations for Erasmus+ beneficiaries to be further improved based on insights from the webinar. The draft document was prepared before the event in consultation with the EACEA. Draft document is available.
The organisers would like to express its gratitude to all participants, speakers and stakeholders for their engagement and commitment to successful implementation of Erasmus+ projects coping with the war consequences.
We invite you to complete the evaluation form for further improvement of Guiding tips and future events.
Thanks for cooperation and looking forward to close collaboration!
- “Education reforms in Ukraine: challenges, safety, HEIs merger, projects impact focus”, Mychailo WYNNYCKYJ – download.
- “Erasmus+ projects during martial law in Ukraine: specifics on communication, official registration of projects in Ukraine”, Serhii SHKABKO – download.
- “Erasmus+ projects during martial law: specifics on mobility, bank transfers, priority of payments, equipment purchase, dissemination and communication tools”, Svitlana SHYTIKOVA – download.
- Useful analytics about the participation of Ukraine in Erasmus+ in English and Ukrainian languages – updated in March 2025
- Other useful information on the Erasmus+ Programme during Martial law
by erasmusplus.org.ua