
“Hold on! You are courageous people!”

The National Research Foundation of Ukraine sent 49,000 letters to Russian research institutes, research centers, universities as well as many academics and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences in its “Address to Russian Scientists” with a reminder of what honor of scientists is and an appeal to speak out against Russia’s criminal aggression against Ukraine, war crimes and genocide of the Ukrainian people, carried out by Putin’s heirs to the Wehrmacht and the SS (the full text of the appeal was published above: https://t.me/NRFUkraine/50 ).

Most of the answers were expected to be obscene, full of imperial malice and chauvinism. The “tear of a child” did not bother the “scientists” who, after a report to the FSB, receive their 30 pieces of silver. It would be naive to expect that in Putin’s Reich, after 22 years of total nazification, a significant number of scholars remember the basic principles of human morality. However, there is no doubt that at least some of the thousands of scholars who remain silent simply cannot express their views openly – according to the predatory “laws” of their country. Speaking up means immediately being imprisoned or being tortured by the Gestapo.

And yet, according to a famous Russian writer, “even a city of sinners shall be saved by one righteous man”. We were relieved to receive some answers from true scholars. In their letters, they express indignation at the Russian aggression and admiration for the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people. One such letter reads: “Hold on! You are courageous people!”