
Ukraine climbs 18 spots in global press freedom ranking

Ukraine this year moved up 18 places to 61st out of 180 countries in the global press freedom ranking.

The international non-governmental organization Reporters without Borders (RSF) said this in the 2024 World Press Freedom Index, Ukrinform reports.

Norway remains first in the press freedom ranking, while the worst situation was recorded in Eritrea.

Ukraine moved up in the ranking as a result of improvements in its security indicator – fewer journalists killed – and its political indicator.

RSF noted that the countries where press freedom is “good” are all in Europe, and more specifically within the European Union, which has adopted its first media freedom law (EMFA). The top five countries are Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Finland. Press freedom is nonetheless being put to the test in Hungary, Malta and Greece, the three lowest-ranked EU countries.