
The EU Delegation to Ukraine announces a new call to participation in Online School EU Study Days-2024

Application deadline: 23:00, 20 July 2024.

When will the studies take place?

From the 5 of August until the 8 of October 2024.

Who can participate in the program?

Students of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums (9-11 grades) can participate in EU Study Days.

Master degree students; students, who are enrolled in the last year of the bachelor studies and postgraduate students are eligible to apply. Age of participants – up to 25 years.

What will the programme include?

10 educational modules on the history of the EU, its institutions, values, policies, European integration of Ukraine, etc. The program includes video lectures by Ukrainian and European experts, online webinars and interactive sessions.

Implementation of mini-projects aimed at disseminating information about the EU values and policies, ideas of European integration.

Certificate of completion of the program, containing information about the duration of study, the number of hours, a list of modules, and for student participants – the number of ECTS credits.

Participation in the EU Study Days Offline School for the 40 most active and successful participants.

How to apply?

1. Fill in the online form:

for high school students: https://bit.ly/eustudydays_school_06-2024

for university and postgraduate students: https://bit.ly/eustudydays_students_06_2024

2. In case your application is selected, you should take an online test on the platform https://www.eustudydays.in.ua/

For more information about the program is available at the link:


Register for EU Study Days 2024 and gain new relevant knowledge!

by European Union in Ukraine